Images of the French Coast -
Picardie and Nord Pas de Calais plus Haute Normandy

Below is a list of sites for which images of the French coast have been taken in 2003. The list is ordered from north to south. You can also click on the red dots on the map.
In addition photos for the cliffs between Sangatte and Baie de Wissant taken in July 2005 can be fount here, while some images of the spit at Cayeux taken in June 2005 can be found here.
Cap Blanc Nez
Wissant Bay
Cap Griz Nez
Dunes du Slack
Cap d'alprech
Équiehen Plage
Hardelot Plage
Le Chemin de la Mer
Pointe du Touquet
Berck Plage
Fort Mahon Plage
Le Hourdel

For more images of the coast of of Picardie and Haute Normandy see the images from 2001 below. Some overlap exists so that changes over a two-year period can be detected (e.g. at Sotteville). The images at Étretat were in 2003 mainly taken from the cliff top while in 2001 exclusively from the beach.

Bois de Cise
Le Treport to Bernevall
Pourville to Fécamp

Map taken from @

Images of the French Coast -
Picardie and Haute Normandy

The map below (clicking the red dots) provides access to images of the French coast taken in 2001.